Ryla Rosemore
Relationship Status:
Body Shape:
Half Miqo'te/Half Hyur
Old Sharlayan
Bottom Heavy
12th of the First Umbral Moon
Born into an esteemed Sharlayan house to a Hyur father and Miqo’te mother, Rylanne was the youngest of triplets. Her parents always struggled to keep all three sisters happy, leading to spread of personalities between the three sisters. Ryla's youth was particularly formative for not only her view of the world but her personality, both of which were molded by growing up as part of an identical trio. She often found that she never got her way, and often resorted to pouting and getting angry when it did not happen. This personality carries forward today where it is rather easy to set off her attitude, sending her pouting and crossing her arms until she gets what she wants. Her hair is usually styled into two ponytails in the back of her head.Ryla's family rose to esteem in Sharlayan thanks to her father's involvement of a humble Sharlayan College whose magics focus on capturing and preserving history. He was a founding member of the college and helped develop the ritual and magic that the college is known for. A unique application of magic that absorbs a location's ambient aether to coalesce the memories that have been imprinted on them, allowing one to capture and view the exact events that happened at any given location. The LaPyce Historical Archive (LHA) was founded and funded to explore the applications of such a magic. To this day Ryla's father maintains an active role in developing the magic and pushing it to its limits. From time to time he even teaches classes himself.When Ryla followed in her father's footsteps, she dedicated herself to studying. In her time in college she became an experienced mage in her own right. She dedicated a lot of her learning to enchantments of objects, weaving and casting and layering magic upon an object until it can almost behave as if it was alive. She carries a bundle of charms that are actually just full-sized objects that she has shrunk down.

Rory is the oldest, and when the three were growing up she always took that to mean that she needed to protect the other two. She is the most keen to fight in almost any situation. This also gave her the idea that she could push her opinion on the other two when push came to shove, and is the reason half the arguments between the sisters start.After a 'less than exceptional' scholastic career she found herself unable to gain access to any Sharalyan Colleges, and swiftly joined the ranks of the Sharlayan Gleaners. She enjoys the chance to explore and has aspirations to get elected to the Sharlayan Forum.She wears her hair up in a single pony tail.

Ryla was born as part of Triplets!Her two sisters are named Rory and Rachel. They are so identical that sometimes even her closest friends can tell them apart based on their personalities! (Or those with trained aethersight might be able to tell them apart). Especially when they sometimes go out of their way to seem truly identical. They wear the same clothes, enjoy a lot of the same hobbies, and can all sometimes be temperamental. Their personalities often clash, and despire looking completely identical their wants and desires are varied enough that you could hardly tell they were sisters otherwise.

Rachel is the middle sister, and usually the most quiet. In the same ways that the other two sisters are loud and push to get their ways, Rachel remains quiet and patient. Because she never screams to get what she wants, she was usually the one their parents gave priority when the sisters had a disagreement. She is the most reserved and willing to make sacrifices.Rachel was a model student in school, earning good grades and making her way into a more traditional Sharlayan College that allowed her to get a job working for the Council of Loetstym, where she often helps organize celebrations and traditions regarding the Saints of the Twelve.She wears her hair down, without tying it up.